
bitwarden-secret-operator is a kubernetes Operator written in .NET thanks to KubeOps. The goal is to create kubernetes native secret objects from bitwarden, in our case, it was used mainly for our GitOps powered clusters.

bitwarden secret operator logo

This project wraps the BitWarden CLI as we didn’t want to rewrite a client for BitWarden and BitWarden does not offer easy to use public client libraries

If you need multi-line (SSH key, Certificate…) like we did, use secure note until BitWarden implements Multiline support


Getting started

You will need a ClientID and ClientSecret (where to get these) as well as your password. Expose these to the operator as described in this example:

  - name: BW_HOST
    value: ""
  - name: BW_CLIENTID
    value: "user.your-client-id"
    value: "yourClientSecret"
  - name: BW_PASSWORD
    value: "YourSuperSecurePassword"

the helm template will use all environment variables from this secret, so make sure to prepare this secret with the key value pairs as described above.

BW_HOST can be omitted if you are using the Bitwarden SaaS offering.

After that it is a basic helm deployment:

helm repo add bitwarden-operator
helm repo update 
kubectl create namespace bw-operator
helm upgrade --install --namespace bw-operator -f values.yaml bw-operator bitwarden-operator/bitwarden-secret-operator


And you are set to create your first secret using this operator. For that you need to add a CRD Object like this to your cluster:

kind: BitwardenSecret
  name: my-secret-from-bitwarden
  name: "my-secret-from-spec" # optional, will use the same name as CRD if not specified
  namespace: "my-namespace" # optional, will use the same namespace as CRD if not specified
  bitwardenId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # optional, this id applies to all elements without `bitwardenId` specified 
  - element:
      bitwardenId: d4ff5941-53a4-4622-9385-2fcf910ae7e7 # optional, can be specified for a specific secret
      bitwardenSecretField: myBitwardenField # optional, mutually exclusive with `bitwardenSecretField` but acts as a second choice
      bitwardenNote: false # optional, mutually exclusive and prioritized over `bitwardenSecretField`
      kubernetesSecretKey: MY_KUBERNETES_SECRET_KEY # required
  - element:
      bitwardenNote: true # boolean, exclusive and prioritized over `bitwardenSecretField`
      kubernetesSecretKey: MY_KUBERNETES_SECRET_KEY # required
